News and Information from around Walnut Grove

VOLUME ________ 


Board Meetings:  2nd Wednesday of each month

Bylaws:   TBA

Strategic Planning:   TBA

Building & Grounds:   TBA

Operations:   TBA

Finance:   TBA

Communications:  1st Monday after Board Meeting  6:00 PM


Social Club:  TBA

Coffee & Communications:  Mondays at Martins on South Ironwood  9:00 AM

Friends of Walnut Grove:  August 20th  Community Room  6:00 PM

If you live in Walnut Grove the management of the community is very important to you.  You need to make sure you have a voice in your future by voting for your board and by attending meeting to assure your community is be properly managed in your best interest.

Absentee Ballots:  September 23rd thru 26th.  Can be picked up at main office 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM

ELECTION DAY:  September 27th.Community Room.  Bring your ID.  7:30 AM TO 6:00 PM

Election Results/Membership Meeting/Voting on Bylaws:  September 28th.  Community Room  10:00 AM